Should You Stay and Renovate or Sell Your Home?

kansas city remodeling

If you live in an older home that has outdated plumbing, wiring, and is generally in disrepair, or if you recently inherited an older family home, what do you do? are you going to sell it or stay?

7 Kitchen Renovation Tips for First Time Homeowners

Kitchen Renovation Tips kansas city

First-time homeowners very often buy a ‘fixer-upper’. Sometimes they inherit a home that has been loved for many years. Chances are, this home may be rather out-of-date. It can be a bit daunting for people who have never had to do renovations and hire a contractor. Often, you have no idea of where to start. […]

Remodeling Projects to Gift Yourself This Christmas

christmas remodeling kansas city

Finding the perfect gift for the man or woman who has everything is a challenge, but sometimes finding the perfect gift for yourself can be even more difficult! Many folks have found that the best holiday gift they can give themselves is a remodel! Remodeling projects are great Christmas gifts to award yourself because they […]