New Kitchen Design Trends for 2020

new kitchen kansas city

Table of Contents

We are living through some incredible times. As we hunker down at home, it’s hard not to start finding things we would love to change about our homes. Maybe a new kitchen counter, maybe a new bathtub.

Why not let your imagination run wild with all the things you can do. Sometimes it is just a few small adjustments, sometimes you want the whole kitchen redone.

Consider a new cabinet to display your Grandmother’s antique dishes or her silver. Maybe you collect dishes, tea cups or salt and pepper shakers. A beautiful new cabinet to show them off would be a great idea.

Perhaps you have new appliances in the kitchen and now everything else looks drab. Talk to an interior designer about building your new kitchen around the new appliances so everything looks new and put together well.

Old is New Again

Maybe you want to design a modern kitchen with an olden time feel. An old country kitchen where families would gather to talk, to cook, to dream. A great old kitchen with all the modern appliances will transport you back to a simpler time.

You can get new appliances that look like old stoves and sinks and their fixtures can look antique but are modern and functional. Get the cupboards and walls to look like the kitchen of your childhood where so many memories still linger.

Go Color Crazy

Why not splash some color around? Nothing livens up a room like some big bold colors. If you have colored appliances, build around them. Use the same colors as accents with cupboard handles, paint, and even with your dishes.

Try mixing a few of your favorite colors together. Have an entire color combination throughout the whole kitchen, with appliances, paint, accessories, dishes, and tea towels.

Make Room for More

These days you may find yourself with a houseful of people. The kids are home, you and your partner are working from home and maybe you have a parent or two staying with you.

Knocking out a few walls to expand the space can really make a difference to the space. Install a counter where people can eat with stools to open up a cramped space.

Get extra cupboards put in, to make room on your countertops. Often, our small appliances take up a lot of space that we could use for cooking and baking.

Let Your Imagine Run Wild

There is no limit to the creative and fantastic things you can do with your home remodeling. A new kitchen, a new bathroom, a new lease on life, and a better-looking home.

Why not meet with an interior designer to talk about your great ideas for improving your home. From a few small changes to a few big ones, it will feel like a brand new place.

We spend a lot of time at home, now, more than ever. Why not get it looking and feeling great, so it becomes a place you never want to leave.

For help with your remodeling project, book a video conference with Karin Ross Designs today!