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Tips for Tackling Spring Cleaning & Organizing Your Home

Table of Contents

For most people, spring cleaning is deemed as a relaxing activity that heavily focuses on decluttering and ridding your home with unnecessary excess materials. For some, it can be a stressful process, especially if you don’t know where to begin. If you’re in this situation right now, don’t worry because you are not alone.

Believe it or not, Forbes states that there are about six aspects of spring cleaning that you can focus on to avoid anxiety. You can focus on decluttering, cooking, textile refreshing, making your home eco-friendly, deep cleaning, or scrubbing up the exterior of your home. Lucky for you, this guide will talk about all of the tips and tricks concerning all six focuses. With that in mind, be sure to take note of the following points:

Take The Time To Assess Your Home’s Condition

Before you start taking out your cleaning equipment, it is important that you know how much cleaning will be present. This helps you figure out what needs to be updated, what needs to be renovated, and what needs to be bought. It’s best to be prepared and have a plan beforehand.

Put Away Seasonal Items

One tip to appear as if your whole wardrobe is up-to-date and organized is to switch out pieces of clothing that are already out of season. Take the time to sort out all of your storage boxes under the bed. Pro tip: you can even find those that can be donated so that there will be less clutter to deal with.

Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet And Any Expired Cosmetics

One of the most neglected aspects of spring cleaning is cleaning out your medicine cabinets. The truth is that with our busy schedules, we never really find the time to toss out expired medicines and cosmetics. Any powdered makeup that is over a year old and liquid makeup that is over three months old should be thrown away. Moreover, if you are getting rid of expired medicines and cosmetics, throw them properly and do not dump them into your sink.

Clean Out Your Fridge

Another neglected part of your home is the inside of your fridge. Over the months, there is without a doubt that it will accumulate old food, expired milk, and ice cube trays may have already been frozen stuck. Start by removing the racks and shelves. Go through the storage items and toss out any unused items. Wipe down gently the sides of the freezer. Pro tip: you can use a cooler to keep frozen items cool while you clean out your fridge.

Declutter Your Bathroom

As you may have noticed, when it comes to spring cleaning or interior design, it is best to start small before moving on to bigger things. When cleaning the bathroom, start by throwing bathroom mats and rugs into the wash. Then, you can move on to cleaning the drawers and shelves.

Focus On Dusting First

Once you have eliminated all of the items that are no longer in use, you can now proceed to dust every inch of your home. Pay attention to fabrics as these may have accumulated the most dust over the winter break. Furthermore, don’t forget to dust your counters, shelves, drawers, baseboards, and more.

Wash Everything That Comes Out Of Storage

It is only common sense that every item you pull out of the storage should be washed thoroughly before use. This includes your spring and summer outfits. Don’t forget to wash your pillowcases, blankets, as well as wash sheets.

Keep The Kitchen Healthy And Looking Good

Should you plan to sell your house before the end of spring, it is important to focus on tidying up your kitchen. The kitchen is considered the heart of the home. It is also one of the most important rooms since this is the room most buyers are interested in. Nevertheless, renovation is not necessary. Focus on buying new handles, a quick update on some of your kitchen drawers, and a fresh coat of paint.

Go For Lighter Colored Linens

Stemming from the previous point of selling your house by the end of spring, it is important to make it appear as if spring has indeed begun. If you feel like your home is still stuck in the winter season, try changing up the colors a bit. If you are planning to get an interior design quote, try changing your linens into something brightly colored first. This will give you a totally new perspective the screams “spring.”

Final Thoughts

Spring cleaning can be very overwhelming. However, once you go through the initial steps, the rest will be easy. Moreover, as soon as you’re done with spring cleaning, you’ll feel a lot better and more refreshed.