interior design kitchen remodeling bathroom remodels kansas city

6 Remodeling Tips Before Getting Started

6 remodeling tips kansas city

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Remodeling your home or just a room is a big job. It requires a lot more than just hiring the contractor and picking new colors. You need to make a plan and get a lot of expert advice or remodeling tips.

Whether you have done a renovation before or not, you still need to be prepared before the work starts. Here are a few tips to help you make the renovation go as smoothly as possible.

6 Remodeling Tips Before Your Start

Having a plan and being prepared doesn’t mean things won’t go wrong. It does mean that you will be far better able to cope with them.

1. Make a Budget

Regardless of how you are going to pay for everything, you need to have a budget. A budget is a guideline for you to follow that will help you make better decisions

It will come into play later when you are making decisions about the materials and accessories you want. You should also budget for incidentals, as well, like meals out, needed to replace something or accommodations for a night or two.

2. Have a Vision

It will help things move along much quicker if you know what you want. There will be areas that need to be adjusted if certain items are not available or too costly.

Are you doing the renovations to sell the home or are you planning on staying? This will matter when you are making choices about what materials to use. Plus, decide what renovations are most important, like the kitchen, yes, the living room, maybe.

3. Get Recommendations

Ask around for recommendations for a contractor and interior designer. Look online, ask your neighbors if they recently had something done, and ask friends, family, and coworkers.

As questions about their experience and then ask questions directly to the contractors you find and like. Ask about licenses, experience, past work, cleanup, and whatever else you can think of.

4. Prepare The Home

If you are having the kitchen renovated, or the bathroom, clear the way. Get as much prep work done as possible.

  • Remove the old appliances
  • Get the home inspected
  • Clear the way for the work crew
  • Get the permits
  • Remove anything that doesn’t need to be there

You want to make it as easy and hassle-free as possible. This helps stay on time and on budget.

5. Tell Your Neighbors

Let your neighbors know you are going to be having some work done. It will give them some time to prepare, as well. There will be dust, dirt, noise, people around, machines and equipment, and blocked roads.

They will appreciate knowing ahead of time so they are not surprised. If someone works shift work, they can make arrangements for themselves.

6. Prepare Yourself

It can be very upsetting having renovations done. If your kitchen and bathrooms are to be out of commission for several days or even weeks, then you need to make arrangements to stay somewhere else.

Make sure you have this in place before you start. You don’t want to find yourself in an awkward situation where you and the whole family show up at the last minute for a place to sleep.

Consult The Experts

Before you start, consult with the experts you are trusting to do the work and the designs. They will have much better insight into how long it will take, what you should do before they arrive, better remodeling tips, and even whether you will be able to stay in the home.

Karin Ross Designs have been doing remodeling and interior design for over 30 years. Trust them to help guide you through to the very end.