6 Great Reasons to Hire a Designer when You Renovate to Sell

renovate to sell designer kansas city

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There is no secret that you will get a much better price on your home if you renovate to sell it. In fact, a few renovations can really make your home more appealing and help you get the price you want. There is a great chance you will get the initial investment you make in the renovations back. You don’t need to get carried away, but you should hire a designer to help and advise you.

6 Great Reasons to Hire a Designer when You Renovate to Sell

The main thing you want to do is invest in the renovations that will bring you the largest return.

1. More Enticing to Potential Buyers

When people are looking to buy a house, they are looking at what it is going to cost them once they have it. When you renovate to sell, that leaves less for the potential buyers to object to.

Even if people are looking to flip the house, they will be more likely to be onboard when they see they don’t have as much work to do. People look at houses and want a reason they should buy and a few reasons why they shouldn’t.

2. Increase Your Chances of a Sale

If there are other homes for sale in your neighborhood or price range, then renovations will help you against the competition. In particular, if there are several homes that are similar to yours on the market.

Your designer will know what is happening in the housing market and can advise you where your money will be best invested. A few renovations can make your home more appealing and modern.

3. Increase Value

There is no doubt that a few repairs and renovations can help you bring the asking price closer. From fresh landscaping to a newer, more modern kitchen will help your home get the price you want.

When people see a lot of damage or out-dated features, they also see a price tag. When those are not there, they are more willing to pay more for the home, as they feel they are saving on future renovations.

4. Faster Sale

Your home will sell much faster if you renovate to sell. All house shoppers have their own ideas in mind. Some people like and want to find something they can fix up, others would like to just move in.

Your designer will know what features and other aspects are popular and what will be more appealing to a potential buyer. When they see them in your home, they will be more likely to place a bid.

5. Make Your Home More Efficient

Kitchens and bathrooms sell homes. These are often the places that real estate agents and interior designers will tell you to renovate to sell. These make a big difference to people looking for a home.

Taking an old kitchen or bathroom and making it bigger or more efficient can help sell your home faster and increase your chances of getting the price you want.

6. Make Your Home More Modern

Your designer can help bring your home up to date with a few modern touches. A few fresh renovations in your kitchen or bathroom can make a massive diffende to the overall look of your house.

Renovate To Sell

If you are considering selling your home, consult a designer first. They can tell you where to focus your attention and what renovations will be the smartest to invest with.

More information at Karin Ross Designs on renovations, upgrades, and making your home more appealing.