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From Bland to Grand: Easy Bathroom Decor Ideas That Wow

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Does your bathroom lack character? Does it have a cold, uninspired feeling to it? The good news is that updating your bathroom doesn’t have to be a difficult or costly undertaking. You can turn your space from plain to magnificent with a few simple bathroom decor ideas, creating a sanctuary that expresses your style and improves your daily routine. Now grab a cup of coffee, get ready to let your creativity run wild, and let’s look at some easy yet stunning bathroom décor ideas that will really wow!


How to Decorate a Bathroom: What to Consider

As a top-rated Kansas City interior design company, we’re all for upgrades. Ultimately, however, you want to decorate your bathroom in a way that transcends trends and creates a style you’ll cherish for years to come. This means choosing elements you truly connect with rather than chasing the fleeting allure of what’s “hot” right now.  We can help you design a bathroom that reflects your personality and provides a relaxing haven you’ll love for a long time.

With that in mind, before we dive into bathroom decorations, here are a few things to consider when deciding the style you’re going for: 

  • Functionality: Remember, even the most beautiful decor shouldn’t compromise functionality. Choose items that complement the layout of your bathroom and don’t obstruct movement or access to necessities.
  • Style: Consider the overall look you wish to accomplish. Are you in the mood for a modern marvel, a rustic touch of charm, or a spa-like retreat? Select décor that goes well with the bathroom fixtures you already have and expresses your unique style.
  • Scale & Proportion: Consider the size of your bathroom. Large, overwhelming objects can make a small space feel even smaller. Opt for appropriately sized decor pieces that maintain a sense of balance.

Now that you’ve had some time to think about how you want to decorate your bathroom, let’s get to the fun part – picking out decor!


Bathroom Decorating Ideas 

Remember, the sky’s the limit when it comes to decorating any space. Below are some key bathroom decor ideas that we believe can truly elevate a space or at least offer inspiration. 


Popular Ideas for Bathroom Decor

  • Introduce Greenery: Plants not only add a touch of life and color but also improve air quality. Opt for low-light tolerant varieties that thrive in the humidity of a bathroom, like snake plants, ferns, or air plants.
  • Bring in Texture: Incorporate woven baskets for storage or a textured rug to add visual interest and a cozy feel.
  • Play with Lighting: Layering lighting in your bathroom is key. Consider sconces on either side of the mirror for task lighting and pendant lights or recessed lighting for general illumination. You can even introduce candles for a touch of ambiance.
  • Luxury Layers: Display plush decorative bathroom towels on a towel rack or folded neatly on a shelf. Opt for a mix of textures and colors (within a neutral palette) for added visual interest and a spa-like feel.

Bathroom Shelf Decor

Bathroom shelves are prime real estate for showcasing your personality. Here are some ideas:

  • Stylish Storage: Display decorative canisters to store cotton swabs, bath salts, or other essentials.
  • Artful Touches: Add a small piece of artwork, a seashell collection, or a framed quote to personalize the space.
  • Natural Elements: Incorporate decorative stones, pebbles, or small succulents for a touch of nature.

Bathroom Wall Decor

Don’t underestimate the power of wall decor for bathrooms! Here’s how to make your walls shine:

  • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Adding a well-placed mirror can enlarge and brighten your bathroom. For a distinctive touch, think about adding a gallery wall of smaller mirrors or a statement mirror.
  • Wall Art Magic: To express your style and establish a focal point, hang framed pictures, artwork, or motivational sayings.
  • Wallpaper Wow: You can give the walls in your bathroom a splash of color, pattern, or texture with wallpaper. Choose wallpaper made especially to withstand moisture in bathrooms.

Bathroom Counter Decor

Your bathroom counter is a great place to add personality and functionality:

  • Soap Dish Delight: Ditch the boring plastic soap dish and opt for a decorative soap dish made of ceramic, stone, or bamboo.
  • Stylish Dispenser: Upgrade your liquid soap and lotion dispensers with refillable options in beautiful materials like glass or metal.
  • Catch-All Chic: A decorative tray can corral everyday essentials like hand lotion, cotton balls, or your favorite jewelry.

Explore our gallery of past remodels and bathroom decor pictures for more inspiration!

You can make your plain bathroom into a chic and functional space with a little imagination and these simple bathroom decor ideas. Now go ahead and let your creative side loose, and get ready to impress everyone with your incredible bathroom makeover!


Our Bathroom Interior Design & Remodeling Services Can Help

Ready to transform your bathroom into a space you’ll cherish for years to come? Karin Ross Designs can help! We offer bathroom remodeling and design services to bring your vision to life. From timeless design consultations to flawless installation, we’re here to create a bathroom that’s both beautiful and functional.

Contact us today for a free consultation! Let’s discuss your dream bathroom and explore the possibilities. Visit our online gallery for inspiration and see how we’ve transformed bathrooms in the Kansas City area.